Global Political Economy | Politics Trove

Global Political Economy (1st edn)  

Edited by:
Nicola PhillipsProvost at the University of MelbourneClose
Published in Print:25 May 2023 Published Online:August 2023
Publisher:Oxford University Press


Global Political Economy explores the breadth and diversity of this topic and looks at the big questions that matter today. It addresses essential topics and themes, such as poverty, labour, migration, and the environment. With a strong emphasis on ‘globalising’ the study of this subject, the text introduces the idea that it matters who is talking and writing. It explains that there are different ways of seeing the world, and that bringing together different theoretical and methodological perspectives adds to the depth and richness of understanding. In addition, chapters look at globalism and neoliberalism, finance, trade, production, health, climate change, inequality, crime, migration, and global governance.


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