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Foundations of European PoliticsA Comparative Approach

Foundations of European Politics: A Comparative Approach (1st edn)

Catherine E. De Vries, Sara B. Hobolt, Sven-Oliver Proksch, and Jonathan B. Slapin
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date: 16 February 2025

p. 19211. Law-Making in Governments and Parliamentslocked

p. 19211. Law-Making in Governments and Parliamentslocked

  • Catherine E. De Vries,
  • Sara B. Hobolt,
  • Sven-Oliver Proksch
  • , and Jonathan B. Slapin


This chapter explores how political systems across Europe actually make policy and also how they change policy. It examines in detail how coalitions are formed and looks at how coalitions function. The chapter uses the theoretical lens of the Veto Players theory to consider how the nature of governments, and parties within governments, affect the type of policies that become law. It also looks at the ease with which governments can change existing policy. The chapter moves on to address the role of informal actors such as interest groups. Processes differ across different countries and at the European Union (EU) level and that is examined in this chapter as well.

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