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Introduction to Politics

Introduction to Politics (4th edn)

Robert Garner, Peter Ferdinand, and Stephanie Lawson
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date: 18 September 2024

p. 965. Freedom and Justicelocked

p. 965. Freedom and Justicelocked

  • Robert GarnerRobert GarnerProfessor of Politics, University of Leicester


This chapter examines two related, but distinct, political concepts — justice and freedom. It first considers various possible constraints on freedom before discussing the degree to which freedom is desirable. It then explores various alternative values that might conflict with freedom, mainly in the context of John Stuart Mill’s political thought; these include equality, paternalism, and happiness. The chapter proceeds by analysing the concept of justice and various criteria for determining its meaning in the context of the major competing theories of justice provided by John Rawls and Robert Nozick. Finally, it evaluates alternative theories of justice which challenge the conventional liberal view that theories of justice should focus only on the nation-state and are applicable only to human beings.

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