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Politics in the Developing World

Politics in the Developing World (5th edn)

Peter Burnell, Vicky Randall, and Lise Rakner
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date: 17 February 2025

p. 292. Colonialism and Post-Colonial Developmentlocked

p. 292. Colonialism and Post-Colonial Developmentlocked

  • James Chiriyankandath


This chapter examines the impact of colonialism on post-colonial political development. It first provides an overview of the post-colonial world, noting how politics in developing countries are influenced by their pre-colonial heritage as well as colonial and post-colonial experiences. In particular, it considers post-colonial theory, which addresses the continuing impact that colonialism has on post-colonial development. The chapter proceeds by describing pre-colonial states and societies such as Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australasia, where varying patterns of state formation influenced both the kind of colonization that they experienced and their post-colonial development. It also considers colonial patterns in the post-colonial world and the occurrence of decolonization before concluding with an assessment of the legacy of colonialism to post-colonial states.

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