Foreign Policy – Theories, Actors, Cases | Politics Trove

Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases (3rd edn)  

Edited by:
Steve SmithVice-Chancellor and Professor of International Relations at the University of ExeterClose
Amelia HadfieldJean Monnet Chair in European Foreign Affairs, Director of the Centre for European Policy Studies(CEFEUS), Canterbury Christchurch UniversityClose
, and
Tim DunneExecutive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of International Relations at the University of QueenslandClose
Published in Print:11 August 2016 Published Online:September 2017
Publisher:Oxford University Press


This text provides an introduction to the ever-changing field of foreign policy. Combining theories, actors, and cases, chapters provide an interesting introduction to what foreign policy is and how it is conducted. With an emphasis throughout on grounding theory in empirical examples, the text features a section dedicated to relevant and topical case studies where foreign policy analysis approaches and theories are applied. Chapters clearly convey the connection between international relations theory, political science, and the development of foreign policy analysis, emphasizing the key debates in the academic community. New chapters focus on such topics as public diplomacy, and media and public opinion. A new case study on Syria examines the forms of intervention that have and have not been adopted by the international community.

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