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Comparative Politics

Comparative Politics (6th edn)

Daniele Caramani
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date: 17 February 2025

3. Comparative research methodslocked

3. Comparative research methodslocked

  • Paul Pennings
  • , and Hans Keman


This chapter examines the ‘art of comparing’ by showing how to relate a theoretically guided research question to a properly founded research answer by developing an adequate research design. It first considers the role of variables in comparative research, before discussing the meaning of ‘cases’ and case selection. It then looks at the ‘core’ of the comparative research method: the use of the logic of comparative inquiry to analyse the relationships between variables (representing theory), and the information contained in the cases (the data). Two logics are distinguished: method of difference and method of agreement. The chapter concludes with an assessment of some problems common to the use of comparative methods.

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